
Find out more information from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics about becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) or Dietetics Technician, Registered (DTR) including pathways to the credentials, types of accredited dietetics education programs, financial aid, salaries, career outlook, and more. View the Aaccredited Program Directory to learn more about the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) Programs offered in Illinois. 

Just passed your RDN or DTR exam? Search our job postings

Get Involved with the Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics!

Student Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is a great way to meet and network with dietitians in Illinois, develop professional skills, and support your local organization. Start by filling out our volunteer interest surveyWe have many committees for student members to start getting involved.

Pathway to Leadership 

The Illinois Academy Pathway to Leadership program is an eight month commitment aimed at developing the skills of future leaders in the nutrition and dietetics related careers spanning across district, state and national levels. Students work under the guidance of various Illinois Academy committees to gain extensive experience in five focus areas.  

Outstanding Dietetics Student Awards

The purpose of the Outstanding Dietetics Student Award program is to recognize the emerging leadership and achievement of students in ACEND-accredited and approved dietetics education programs and encourage their participation in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The Illinois Academy is allowed to recognize one student from each type of dietetics education program (Didactic Program in Dietetics, Dietetic Internship, Coordinated Program, and Dietetic Technician Program). 

Virtual Poster Presentations

This career development opportunity for dietetics students offers the chance to share your work with state-level professionals on the Illinois Academy website. This may be particularly helpful to graduate students or beginning investigators. During the week of the Spring Assembly, posters and presenters will be evaluated by the professional development committee with the highest scoring poster being awarded a $100 gift card.

Spring Assembly

Student Feedback from Spring Assembly 2024

"The Illinois Spring Assembly opened my eyes to the vast opportunities that being a registered dietitian presents to you. As a future RD, I know that I can work in an area that I love, whether or not it currently exists. It is amazing the places being an RD will take you, and there is no reason to be working in a position that you do not love. The field of nutrition and dietetics is a tight knit community and being involved in the academy is so important to continue to advance the profession."

Ben Waller, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Pictured left to right: Charlyn Fargo Ware (Illinois Academy President), Lauri Wright (Academy President) and Ben Waller (2024 Student Host)

Updated May 2024