Pathway to Leadership

The Pathway to Leadership program is an eight month commitment aimed at developing the skills of future leaders in nutrition and dietetics related careers spanning across district, state and national levels. Students work under the guidance of various Illinois Academy committees to gain extensive experience in five focus areas. For program questions reach out to our Pathways to Leadership co-chairs at [email protected]

1. Diversity and Inclusion: Identify and/or develop resources that promotes diversity and inclusion.

2. Communications: Support the Illinois Academy brand through our social media handles including Facebook and Instagram. Create content to be featured on our website and in our monthly newsletter.

3. Public Policy: Participate in public policy and legislative initiatives, action alerts, and monthly public policy panel calls in to engage in advocacy efforts. 

4. Organizational Planning: Learn about how to operate a not-for-profit organization by participating in the strategic planning process and policies/procedures review. 

5. Council on Professional Issues: Identify and recommend topics and/or speakers for professional education including the annual Spring Assembly to the professional development committee.

Student Benefits: Academy Membership Dues (value $58) and Spring Assembly Conference Registration (value $120) will be paid for by the Illinois Academy. Both fees will be reimbursed in April following the receipt of a report from the students on their achievements within each of the interest areas.

Updated May 2024