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National Oyster Day
Saturday, August 05, 2023, 8:00 AM CDT
Category: Nutrition & Dietetics Related Events


Get slurping on August 5th with National Oyster Day! Oysters are enjoyed as seafood in many parts of the world.


Did you know there are over 100 different species of oysters? Interestingly, oysters tend to take on the characteristics of the water in which they live. Because of this, they’re typically named after the body of water in which they grow.

While many people enjoy fresh oysters raw, the shellfish can also be savored in multiple other ways. As a side dish, oysters add immense flavor to Thanksgiving dressing. They also make delicious stews, soups, and chowders. Other recipes will bake, grill or broil the oysters with or without the shell.

These mollusks provide valuable nutrients whether eaten cooked or raw. Since oysters supply a high amount of vitamins B12 and A, they may benefit heart, skin, and brain health. These vitamins also support lung and kidney function. Additionally, oysters benefit the environment since their valves are capable of cleansing an ecosystem of pollutants.