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World Thyroid Day
Thursday, May 25, 2023, 8:00 AM CDT
Category: Nutrition & Dietetics Related Events

World Thyroid Day

World Thyroid Day is observed on May 25 to raise awareness about this crucial gland in the body. Thyroid disease is the generic term for medical conditions that do not allow the thyroid gland to produce a sufficient amount of hormones. Several health organizations, physicians, and clinics conduct presentations and educational seminars to mark the holiday. The aim is to create awareness and get people talking about thyroid conditions, their causes, and the available treatment options. World Thyroid Day also educates the public about the thyroid’s significance in terms of our general wellness.

The thyroid gland is a tiny gland near the base of the neck. This butterfly-shaped gland generates two hormones: thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Although the thyroid is a small gland, it has a significant impact on one’s health. The thyroid’s principal role is to regulate the body’s metabolism. The majority of people equate metabolism with how efficiently you burn calories. However, metabolism has an impact on body temperature and heart rate. When you have a thyroid condition, it affects your metabolic rate.

Thyroid disorders could produce too little or too much thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Hypothyroidism is experienced when the thyroid does not generate enough of these hormones. This illness usually appears when the thyroid is inflamed or there is an iodine shortage. Iodine is a mineral that is used in the production of thyroid hormones. Hypothyroidism can also be caused by Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder. Hypothyroidism, if left untreated, can cause brain fog, hair loss, gallstones, constipation, sluggish metabolism, bloating, heartburn, high blood pressure, and dry skin.

Anyone who feels they have a thyroid problem, particularly those with a family history of it, should consult a doctor. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism have numerous therapeutic options.