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National Mac and Cheese Day
Sunday, July 14, 2024, 8:00 AM CST
Category: Nutrition & Dietetics Related Events

National Mac and Cheese Day

Each year, the nation gets its fix of the beloved pasta, macaroni, as we celebrate National Mac and Cheese Day on July 14. This little elbow-shaped pasta is such a fan-favorite that it gets its own day of celebration. As it should! Apparently, macaroni is the most common form of pasta in the U.S. So on this day, let’s all come together to show our love for the humble and versatile macaroni.


1. Experiment in the kitchen

This versatile ingredient can be used in everything from soups and casseroles to hot dishes and salads. So why not go wild experimenting with different ways to play with macaroni recipes. You can make a macaroni-crusted lasagna, a macaroni pizza with the base being baked mac and cheese, or even macaroni and cream dessert. Whether you are a vegetarian or a meat-lover, there is a fun macaroni recipe for everyone to try out.

2. Experiment outside the kitchen

Macaroni is not just for eating. There are ways to play with it too! For those with kids (or those who are kids at heart), make fun new art and craft projects with macaroni. You can dye the pasta in different colors and string them into jewelry or glue them onto boxes for a DIY decoration project. Let the kids go wild creating their own fabulous works of art!

3. Organize a macaroni cook-off

Challenge friends and family to a friendly macaroni-themed cook-off. The best macaroni dish wins. You can take this one step further and create categories for the most inventive recipes.